Projektový manažment – Introduction



  • 1. To introduce participants and trainers, present and/or adjust the training program, suggest common training norms and agree on the way of conducting the workshop.
  • 2. To identify and share participants’ and trainers’ expectations about the workshop.
  • 3. To identify skills, knowledge and experience of the participants in project development and management (PDM).
  • 4. To present and clarify terminology that will be used during the workshop.


Prepare following flipcharts:

  • 1. Title of the workshop, name of institution conducting the workshop, names of the trainers.
  • 2. Workshop program and schedule: Themes, Timelines, Work Method (presentation/group work).
  • 3. “Workshop Expectations” (blank)
  • 4. „Workshop norms“
  • 5. „Workshop terminology“: Project, Community, Project Designer and Implementor, Beneficiaries, Stake-Holders, Management, Goal, Objective, Task, etc…
  • 6. “PDM Skills” (blank)
  • 7. Flipchart with two questions:

“Why is it important to involve community and implementors in all phases of project design, implementation and evaluation?” and
“How to involve community in project design and management?”.


  • 1. „Workshop Program“
  • 2. „Workshop Objectives“


  • 1. Introduce the trainers (name, institution, position, experience with projects and PDM)
  • 2. Introduce the participants (name, institution, position, experience with projects and PDM)
  • 3. Introduction of program (and adjustments of program according to discussion with participants)
  • 4. Workshop norms (follow timelines, discussion rules, brainstorming rules, etc.)
  • 5. Explain to participants interactive workshop facilitation, work in groups, desired feedback, etc.)
  • 6. Ask the participants to share their expectations from the workshop and list the answers on prepared the flipchart.
  • 7. Explain that unmet expectations are often a great frustration to the participants, compare the expectations with the objectives of the PDM Workshop.
  • 8. Share with the participants the trainers’ expectations from the workshop and add them to the list on the flipchart.
  • 9. Suggest that expectations which will not be met during the official part of the workshop can be met in non-formal discussions with trainers or other participants outside of session time.
  • 10. Using the “Terminology” flipchart, explain each term and its Slovak/English equivalent to the participants.
  • 11. Brainstorm with participants about their ideas on PDM skills and put them down on flipchart.


Ensure that the list includes following ideas:

  • • ability to do research, collect and select information
  • • ability to formulate a problem
  • • ability to formulate goal
  • • creativity
  • • technical knowledge and skills
  • • teamwork
  • • organizational skills
  • • ability to implement ideas
  • • communication skills
  • • time management
  • • ability to identify/realistically evaluate community needs
  • • monitor the entire process and implement necessary changes based on results of monitoring
  • • ability to evaluate project implementation process and project results
  • • ability to generate ideas
  • • ability to find alternative solutions
  • • ability to make decisions based on feedback

After brainstorming point out that any one person does not have to have all the above mentioned skills, abilities and experience, they should, however, be available in the whole project team.

12. Divide the participants into two groups and ask the groups to answer the following questions on the flicharts: “Why is it important to involve community and implementors to all phases of project design, implementation and evaluation?” and
“How to involve community in project design and management?”. After finishing the group work ask the speaker of each group to share the group’s answers with all participants prior to facilitating a discussion about priorities in community participation in projects.



  • • that everybody can contribute his/her information, ideas, experience and suggestions to the project design in order to raise its quality (community involves everybody who is affected by a project or can influence its solution – i.e. local and municipal governments, business sector, public, etc.)
  • • that the community understands why the project is being implemented
  • • that, during the project design and implementation phases, all the resources that are available in the community are utilized
  • • that the project implementors can contribute their experience regarding feasibility and effectiveness during the project design phase
  • • that the community develops a positive relationship to the project, „buys in“ and later is actively involved in sustaining the project results.


  • • informing the public before the project design phase starts (through local media, informational flyers, individual meetings, etc.)
  • • effective community needs assessment
  • • public meetings through which the community can be actively involved and/or comment each phase of the project
  • • creation of a broad project team involving everybody who can positively influence the project design
  • • individual informational meetings with the business people, local and municipal governments‘ representatives
  • • lobbying.


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